– De Robertis Lecture Notes –
Teaching Embryology to Medical Students
Lecture 2: Making babies: Organ formation in the ectoderm, mesoderm endoderm and neural crest
Lecture 3: Molecular regulation of development. Growth factor signaling. Hox genes and the body plan
CM267: Cell Structure, Signaling, and Differentiation-
The Establishment of Spemann’s Organizer and Patterning of the Vertebrate Embryo
Lecture 1: Establishing Cell Asymmetries
Lectures 2-3: The Cortical Rotation, The Wnt/b-Catenin Pathway and Mesoderm Induction
Lecture 4: EVO-DEVO: Evolution of Animal Design
Lecture 5: Molecular Biology of Spemann’s Organizer and Neural Induction